Submit Your Idea
Innovation Partners
Before you submit the framed description above, you should make sure that you are aware of, and expressly agree to, Bacardi’s strict policy regarding unsolicited inventions as reflected in the following statements. By ticking the box below, you will have agreed to these statements and only by doing so will you be able to effectively and validly submit your invention:
I am of legal age in my country of residence and have full capacity to submit information through the present webpage. I do agree to also provide when asked personal details (e.g. name, address.)
I am not a current Bacardi Group employee.
I understand that the information I am disclosing will be reviewed and evaluated within Bacardi by designated people only.
I submit information that does neither disclose any kind of confidential information nor breach any confidentiality obligation I am under vis-a-vis third parties.
By disclosing such non-confidential information I do solely rely on my own possible IP rights and do not grant any rights in such IP to Bacardi, other than for evaluation purposes only.
I recognize that Bacardi may already be working independently on the same invention as covered by my submission.
I agree that it may take Bacardi up to 6 weeks before replying in writing to me with its feed-back on my submitted invention
I understand that if my submission is considered of interest to Bacardi, I may be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement.